Found inside – Page 175In fact , they are as absolutely clean need not be told how difficult it is to remove as a sponge can be made . ... A restricted view the two - fold object of removing blood and diet is enjoined , and saline purgatives , if the septic material . bowels should be constipated . ... If there be much enlargement of the spleen , A good working formula is one ounce of offi ergot by the mouth or hypodermically is used ... Found inside – Page 705The effect of inanition on the host resistance was negligible in that trypanosome population in rats on the pair - fed diet was ... in murine spleen cells incubated in vitro in a copper - free medium44 raise the possibility that T and B cell cooperation is impaired during copper deficiency . ... Trypanosoma duttoni : body weight gains , food consumption and longevity of pantothenatedeficient mice given living ... Found insideMany foods are classified as digestives, eliminatives, creating a catharsis, and as purgatives. ... period such as ten days, bul it would be much better to undertake it for a full lunar cycle without any interruption or corruption of the diet, from a ... Painful monthly disturbances are eased as well as pressure from a suspected infected appendix or spleen. ... This is the scope of a real Yogic approach to living ... Found inside – Page 190... gurgling and pain in my large intestine and spleen; my companions advised me to take a pipe of tobacco every morning; I started to do this, ... I went for advice to a famous medicinae professor named Lindanus, who, when he had reviewed my illness and diet, said: Diaeta ... not be able to live there, but if 1 could respectably find a living by means of service or marriage I should not miss the opportunity. Found inside – Page 499This has been approached by feeding diets deficient in amino acids or protein to experimental animals. ... The morphologic changes consist of a periportal fatty liver, excess hepatic glycogen, and atrophy of the pancreas, submaxillary gland, stomach, spleen, and thymus. ... The failure of certain enzyme systems also depends on the inheritance of defective genes.8 Thus living cells, with normal genie ... Found inside – Page 1207Such an atrophy of the lymphoid tissue , the spleen associated with an atrophied thymus , and that whether it is brought about ... We have seen that an abundant generally accepted - that every living animal cell supply of the water - soluble B ... only foodstuffs but also vitamins : life functional activity of the lymphoid tissue and increases cannot exist without vitamins . ... should receive an ample supply of this vitamin in the existence of several vitamins had been recognised and their diet . Found inside – Page 85... which are about 2,5 cm long , are artificially fed for about 15 days on fresh animal spleen and liver crushed into juice . ... but the quantity of liver in the diet is decreased to 20 percent and living chrysallids and fish increased to 80 percent . Found inside – Page 256head kidney phagocytes , stimulated by opsonized zymosan , was significantly lower in the fish that were fed the diet containing oxidized oil and not ... pancreatic necrosis although necrosis of the hematopoietic elements of the kidney and spleen was detected . ... Several combinations of 256 MARINE RESOURCES - LIVING. Found inside – Page 419Rules for Healthful Living Based on Modern Science Irving Fisher. Skatol , 176 . Skiing . 279 . ... Self - selection , of diet , 33 , 34 , 185 - 201 ; of food by children , 189 . 201 ; of food in hospitals ... Spleen , feeding the , 366 . Sports , 104 , 105 ... Found inside – Page 31Won't it seem incredible ? for AIDS Lalloo eats a normal diet and suffers from no CIENTISTS are hoping that one of the ailments . ... while his The Hagfish , believed to be the oldest living verte- weight too was stabilized at an incredible 14 brate , has managed to survive for about ... said his team was trying to find out how contested in the last elections as an independent the Hagfish could withstand infection without the candidate . ... have a spleen , lymphoids , sinuses , or V.P. Singh . Found insideIn splenectomized dogs and cats the feeding of both purinfree and purin - yielding foods was attended by an excretion of uric ... It thus became evident that the spleen is by no means the chief organ involved in uric acid production in the living ... Found inside – Page 280A deficiency of iron in the diet cannot long be endured without disastrous results . Fortunately the iron requirements of living things , in general , result in the presence of useful stores of this element in foods of both plant and animal origin , especially ... Although histological examination of the intestines , liver and spleen of animals , fed with iron salts , has shown clearly that such iron is absorbed , yet ... Found inside – Page 468A second person , eating blood - forming centres in the liver , spleen , etc ... The living cells may also be stained birth . with cresyl blue to bring about the reticulation . Bone - marrow maybe yellow or ... In the red ( a ) Megaloblast - a large early cell without marrow all the numerous blood cells and their hæmoglobin . It hurries ... Found inside – Page 156The promotion also quite wrongly implies that extra vitamins give you vitality and zestthat you don ' t really " live " until you take added vitamins . Most people who take supplementary vitamins could afford a wellbalanced diet and don ' t need them . ... effects as loss of appetite , itching , skin disorders , loss of weight , enlargement of the liver and spleen , debility , and painful swellings of bone and joints . Found inside – Page 103animals , it has been shown that levels of lead in the blood are inversely proportional to the amount of copper in the diet . ... This is important because the capillaries in the spleen , the tiniest pipes in the body ' s plumbing system , are smaller in ... Found inside – Page 2Common carp and goldfish are as anatom- been severed from the living animal . ... Natural versus Unnatural Diets When one reviews the literature of ... Found inside – Page 59In the other , joints , heart , kidney and spleen may be involved . Obviously this is the ... We usually can prevent mental retardation if we keep the infant's diet low in phenylalanine during the first few weeks of his life . The problem , obviously , is ... Found inside – Page 10percent of them had commendable diets — that is , diets capable of meeting the body needs . Likewise , the ... Among the most potent foods used for hemoglobin regeneration are beef and especially its " extra carcass ” parts , liver , heart , spleen , and kidneys . Yet in a survey of the distribution of family living from the farm ... Found inside – Page 6Diet , body build , blood pressure and serum appearing in the liver . spleen and adre - cholesterol levels in coconut eating Polynenals . They recommend this ... more serious now . IneviProteins Protein is the living substance of the body , without. Found inside – Page 34All females of the control and 10 p.p.m. groups produced living litters , and all but one of the 50 p.p.m. group . As soon as the litters were weaned , the parent females were placed in individual cages and returned to the original parathion diet . ... of Mortality 40 20 38 6 8 66 70 69 407 425 385 Theoretical 7290 7290 5832 % of survival 87 95 93 6154 6934 5415 adrenals , testes , spleen , heart , lungs ,. Found inside – Page 129spleen are enlarged due to accumulation of cholesterol foam cells ; this is rare in man . ... In an investigation of the heart and aortas of Haitian and American negroes ( genetically similar groups living under ... A diet moderate in calories and fat ( 25-35 % of total calories ) may be helpful for these coronary prone perSubstitution ... completely lacking in physical and mental alertness and without drive , ambition or competitive spirit who has never attempted to meet a deadline of any kind . Found inside – Page 88The diets of these 12 families were found , on the average , to be deficient in calcium and in vitamins A and B ; just adequate in ... The average total value of family living in this group was $ 1.984 per year , with an average yearly expenditure per person of $ 310 . ... Influence of Splenectomy on Recovery from Nutritional Anemia in Rats In studies previously reported it was found that the spleen of an ... Found inside – Page 260He knows of brothers having six fingers , of hermaphrodites , animals with one kidney or without spleen ( ? ) , with situs inversus of ... It is especially the phenotype of the mother which is of the most effective influence , together with the mother's diet . He briefly mentions ... As he states , such arrangement would make the sperm an organic living being , i . e . , a small animal , which is an absurdity . He also ... Found inside – Page 170Iron constitutes approximately 0.4 per cent of the hemoglobin molecule ; without it , of course , neither the hemoglobin nor its weak oxygen compound can exist . Elsewhere in the body , iron is found in the liver and spleen and probably is present in every living cell . ... On a diet of bread , crackers and milk , a positive balance appeared with an intake of 5.7 milligrams per day whereas negative balances ... Found inside – Page 116... 72 hours after infection and the numbers of living staphylococci in their organs determined by quantitative bacteriological techniques . ... spleen . Survivors at 14 days ... 25 5.53 4.51 25 24 4.23 4.87 3.83 3.23 5 out of 10 23.5 22 5.49 5.40 4.79 3.83 19 17 4.72 5.31 3.93 ... stricting their daily food intake , survived infection at least as long as those fed ad lib . a diet permitting them a normal weight gain . Found inside – Page 523In addition to resection of all of the pancreas the following structures were removed : spleen , pyloric antrum of the stomach , all of the duodenum ... Of the 3 who survived operation , 1 died in three and a half months of carcinomatosis , the second was living without known recurrence four ... In addition , choline chloride and methionine are available commercially and may be used to supplement the diet . Found inside – Page 152Grapes and peaches , being full of humidity , were poison , but nuts and dry bread toasted without stint . ... concluded him gone of the spleen and the best physic for him was society , plentiful diet , and turning abroad in the air , when we could ... way of living , between London and the country , a cure of him was perfectly made , and he came to make no scruple of eating , drinking , and airing as they did . Found inside – Page 492Remove the foal from the mare immediately after it is born and provide a suitable nurse 1. Fractional ... Blood transfusions with a diet of alfalfa hay alone , accompanied by stimulant and alternative powders . 4. Gelatin ... size of the spleen . 4. Found inside – Page 71It presents , as does no other work , the current diet coagulation of the blood ; the work done by the heart ; therapy procedure of physicians ... The illustrations Living Systems ; Some Reactions by Which Solutes May Be Differentially Concentrated by the Kidney ; Organic have ... Processes ; The Argument for Chemical significance of the autonomic nerve system ; the spleen ; Mediation of Nerve Impulses . Found inside – Page 140Near the rail-fence the Lady Fern is still pretty, without the ragged appearance its lacy fronds assume towards Autumn. A variety has ... These last two species belong to the spleenwort tribe, so called because they were used as medicine for the spleen. ... Legend says that a native king, Osmund, living at Loch Tyne, saved his wife and child from the inimical Danes by hiding them on an island in the ... This meat diet would seem a little monotonous to us, but they are used to it and like it. Found inside – Page 522235 - - - → resistance , 65 Social living → neoplasia , 298 Sociologic factors + G - A - S ... 191 Sodium - free diet . cf also NaClrestricted diet , rice - diet " Sodium hormone " → neoplasia . ... 80 Splanchnics , cf . nervous system Spleen . 183 . Found insideProtoplasm , living , reversible changes , 124 . ... Rachitic , anti , properties of irradiated foods , and superheating , 453 . on hemorrhagic anemia , 750 . resistance to tetanus toxin in rickets , 757 . inira - red , and rickets , 77 . on S . aureus and B ... Found inside – Page 75A Manual of Living Robert Bloomer Hare Bell. the organs . The heart , the kidneys , the liver , the spleen , the intestines , the pancreas , the appendix , etc. , will one or all break down under the strain of auto - intoxication . When the tired feeling comes over a man day by day , he must look to his colon elimination and to his diet for natural laxatives ... It takes study and care to perfect a diet without meat . Found inside – Page 72EFFECT OF B VITAMINS IN THE DIET ON TUMOR TRANSPLANTS By Alfred Taylor , Maxwell A. Pollack , and ... This was especially true of the B vitamins , the importance of which has been emphasized by the fact that these vitamins are required for the normal functioning of all or nearly all living cells . ... Group IV was given a diet of Purina plus addition of about 4 % by weight of beef spleen extract . Found inside – Page 422Include but are not limited to: lungs, spleen, kidneys, brain, liver, blood, bone, and stomach/intestine, without their contents. meat meal ... chemical processes by which living, organized substance is produced and maintained (anabolism). and also the transformation by which ... It is the value that is most often used to express the energy content of pet food ingredients and commercial diets. metaphysis the ... Found inside – Page 11One early change is an enlargement of the blood - forming organs , such as the spleen . Symptoms ... Without treatment the patient lives only a short time — a few weeks or months . ... a rich , In Heart - Diet Study full , meaningful life . One of a ... Found inside – Page 283Their weight increases were significantly greater than those of control rats fed on a stock diet . ... kidney , spleen and liver proteins were affected by the protein level in the diet , and were increased with increments of the ... ( Abstract ) 1508 MUTHIAH , C. ( Agro - Economic Research Centre for Madhya Pradesh , Gwalior , India ) Levels of living in four villages of rural ... was indicated when rats were fed the diets with 3.5 % protein from whole ground wheat , with or without added lysine ... Found inside – Page 151Even if they ' re kept locked up , living through their semiannual heat periods is difficult because of all the unwanted ... To provide your pet a good diet : Feed it table scraps , including meat , vegetables , grains , fruit and even salad . ... Give your dog trimmings , tripe , spleen , kidney or liver served raw or partially cooked . Found inside – Page 139Other experimenters have shown that when kidney or spleen with intact circulation is introduced into the stomach , it is not digested even ... Geomedicine studies the incidence of a particular disease or the physiological state in people living in different ... High carbohydrate diet ( rice ) with condiment and lack of vitamins are held responsible for preponderance of ... Clinical variations are also seen , e.g. , - perforation without previous symptoms of dyspepsia are seen in Ahmedabad and ... Found inside – Page 115This was emphasized by Baumgartner and Thomas , * who found that , of forty cases of aneurysm of the splenic artery reported between the ... left side of the abdomen at about the level of the umbilicus , first noticed two days before , and without other signs or symptoms relevant to it . ... THERAPEUTICS - ANNO DOMINI 1926 A few pseudo - medical journals still eke out a precarious living by selling their advertising ... In some instances , when diet will not suffice , thyroid may be used . Found inside – Page 18Today pica in the U . S . is seen most frequently among pregnant black women living in the south , and the substance that they ... A nutritional cause is suggested by the observation that pica incidence among slaves in colonial times dropped when slave owners upgraded their slaves ' diets . ... When red blood cells reach the old age of three months , they are sent to the spleen and liver , where the iron is ... Found inside – Page 328We live in large The Relative Importance of Vitamines cities and supply our tables with manufactured foods the vitamine ... Their presence in the of building up liver , spleen , lungs , kidney , pancreas and other natural defence against infection ... Without In contrast to this condition , we now crowd them we could not exist . Found inside – Page 372The organization and management of the Paris system of supplying foods to ... The autbor also recommends that the pupils who receive food without cost ... Found inside – Page 2028The gastric juice of the milk - fed infants acquired the ability to digest dietforeign proteins when the acidity of the juice was adjusted to the Po of the juice of the adult . ... The largest amts . of Fe to be found in the liver and spleen were in infants living for 4 to 10 months . After the 5th month the ... of very small amts . of sugar prevents the appearance of the acetone ; protein and fat are without effect . G. H. S. ... Found insideThe name ply eat a healthful , balanced diet . hairy cell leukemia refers to the hair - like projections Many patients with ... blood Living With Your Diagnosis cell counts may lead to increased susceptibility to The hairy cells infiltrate the spleen ... Found inside – Page 289... cold and raw foods that weaken the qi of the stomach and spleen can lead ... living like sedentary living or excessive sitting will weaken the spleen . Found inside – Page 138The sugar disappeared without his following a diet . At forty - two he was ... The patient was living in the tropics and had to be very active in his business . He complained chiefly of ... Liver and spleen were not enlarged . Blood sugar was 102 ... Found inside – Page 38... with massive polyserositis and extensive hyperplasia of the intralobular bile ducts , but without signs of venous occlusive disease . ... In rats kept on a necrogenic yeast diet , a supplement of casein prevented the development of necrosis , but when it was ... permits the study of changes in the activating capacity of the liver with regard to estrogenic hormones in the living animal . ... Estrone is slowly discharged via the splenic vein to the portal vein into the liver and is there inactivated . Found inside – Page 818A. , III , 1226 . natural precursor of , A. , III , 588 . and effect of folic acid , liver extract , Foods . ... requirement of , and deficiency lesions in allergy to , procaine treatment of , A. , III , comparison of , with 5 - methyluracil in spleen , in cats , A. , III , 483 . ... A. , III , 280 . nutrients of , B. , III , 432 . dietary , liver - xanthine oxidase and without action on rickettsiæ ... Folliculin , action of , on chondrioma and public health aspect of , B. , III , 206 . factor related to , A. , III , 625 . nucleolus of living cell , A. Found inside – Page 11It is emphasized that great importance is to be attribu - ted to the diet factor , since it has been demonstrated experime hat ... 7 A 23 - year - old healthy woman without particular hereditary antecedents , was stung by a bee in her third month of pregnancy . ... coelosomia near the linea alba , inverted stomach , median colon , unfinished rotation of the ileum , right sided spleen ... otological , roentgenological , and electroencephalographical anomalies observed in the living child at birth . A few pseudo - medical journals still eke out a precarious living by selling their.... To accumulation of cholesterol foam cells ; this is rare in man cooked... Food by children, 189 but they are used to supplement the diet is decreased 20. To be very active in his business and living chrysallids and fish to! % by weight of beef spleen extract study full, meaningful life normal diet and suffers from living without a spleen diet. 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